Eczema Club reader review
"A very good informative site about this very distressing condition. As an ex sufferer myself I can really relate to this as it advocates natural remedies rather than drugs and medicated ointments. A good site for the topic."
- Susan,

Becoming Suicidal Because of Eczema

Monday, 25 February 2008

Does the title shocks you? Unfortunately, it's true.

I didn't realise that having an eczema can make a person becoming suicidal. I have a relative that is so depressed of her eczema, she thought of committing suicide - SEVERAL TIMES.

From her case, it's not due to the eczema itself - it's the depression caused by the continuous torture of itches and sleepless nights.

You see, eczema suffers don't get the attention and empathy they need to move on. Many people underestimate the severity of eczema by-products: low self esteem, anger, anxiety, depression, frustration, etc. I questioned those people I met that said, "Well, eczema is unlike cancer - it's just itches... you can't die because of eczema" - I said, "well, you are d*mn wrong. People with eczema will eventually becoming suicidal because of people like you underestimate the effect of eczema in one's life, and it hurts."

You know what? There will be (or already are) children with eczema that will become suicidal due to peer pressure and low self esteem. In adulthood, eczema plus the pressure of life itself will bring eczema sufferers down. The impacts of eczema is apparent.

You and I have to create awareness about eczema - to educate people about what eczema is and what you can do to manage eczema, in term of the eczema itself and the psychological effects of eczema.

Manage your eczema with Natural Eczema Cream for Itchy, Inflamed, Red, Dry and Flaky Skin


Eczema Club reader review

"You have a great site with honest evaluation of dangerous herbal products plus the good advice. Many will be helped by your site if they apply what you have posted."
- Muryal,

"Great looking blog and a good little niche to help fellow sufferers. The laout is easy on the eye and the navigation a breeze. I liked the article on water softeners. Its great that you provide your readers with information like ongoing studies and research. As for you question, I really don't know of any way you can improve your blog. It looks great to me. I wish you all the best."
- Linda,