Eczema Club reader review
"A very good informative site about this very distressing condition. As an ex sufferer myself I can really relate to this as it advocates natural remedies rather than drugs and medicated ointments. A good site for the topic."
- Susan,


Sunday, 17 February 2008

About Eczema Club

Eczema Club is all about eczema - eczema pictures, eczema treatments, eczema articles and eczema blogs.

My vision is to provide a bountiful source of all things related to eczema - for you and I.

You can also submit your eczema remedies, as well as your eczema blog to be reviewed in my blog; Share your story and journey, and let us better manage our eczema together!

A little background story

I don’t have eczema, myself. My wife does. And it stretch us mentally and emotionally. Why ‘us’? Because the eczema is severe enough to affect our relationship. We have the ups and downs, and we thrive to seek for solution - the healthier the better. This blog is our search and our source. We hope our blog is useful for you… maybe not stopping you scratching, but rather inspire you to seek your own solutions.

Enjoy your scratch-free day!

Eczema Club reader review

"You have a great site with honest evaluation of dangerous herbal products plus the good advice. Many will be helped by your site if they apply what you have posted."
- Muryal,

"Great looking blog and a good little niche to help fellow sufferers. The laout is easy on the eye and the navigation a breeze. I liked the article on water softeners. Its great that you provide your readers with information like ongoing studies and research. As for you question, I really don't know of any way you can improve your blog. It looks great to me. I wish you all the best."
- Linda,