Eczema Basics
Although kids with eczema typically have flares, or times when their skin gets red and itchy, year-round, winter can be a particularly bad time of year for kids with eczema.
Contributing to eczema problems during the winter include:
- cold, dry air outside, and harsh windy days
- dry air inside, and associated low humidity, because you often have the heater on
- wearing heavy clothing, with irritating fabrics, including wool, to try and keep warm
To help prevent eczema flares during the winter, be sure to follow your usual skin care regimen, which should include the use of mild soaps, frequent use of moisturizers, and avoiding known triggers.
During the winter, you may need to increase the use of a moisturizer or switch to something 'stronger.' For example, if you typically use a lotion to moisturize your child's skin, consider switching to a cream, or better yet, an ointment, such as Aquaphor.
A humidifier and keeping your home at a comfortable, but not overly warm, temperature can also be helpful. Keep in mind that the regular use of a humidifier can increase dust mites and mold, and if your child with eczema also has allergies or asthma, then it could worsen those conditions.
Most importantly, if your child's eczema is usually worse in the winter, schedule an appointment with your pediatrician so that you can be prepared for any extra flares that your child gets and you can discuss better preventative skin care.
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