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"A very good informative site about this very distressing condition. As an ex sufferer myself I can really relate to this as it advocates natural remedies rather than drugs and medicated ointments. A good site for the topic."
- Susan,

Baby Eczema Responds Well To Home Remedy Treatments

Monday, 18 February 2008

Eczema in babies is sometimes triggered by lupus and usually responds well to home remedies. Neotnatal lupus is sometimes passed from mother to the infant during pregnancy and the birth process. Lupus antibodies can be transferred from the mother to the fetus and result in lupus illness in the newborn. Infant lupus usually causes a rash but fortunately it usually clears up after six to eight months if there are no complications. Lupus is actually an attack of the body upon itself. Lupus can take two forms, sometimes causing eczema and sometime attacking vital organs of the body.

In infants, eczema typically occurs on the forehead, cheeks, forearms, legs, scalp and neck. In older children eczema occurs on the face, neck and the insides of the elbows, knees and ankles. Most infants with eczema show significant improvement by the age of two and about 40% outgrow eczema entirely by the time they are young adults. Controlling eczema early can help keep it from becoming worse.

One of the major concerns when an infant has eczema is the issue of itching. An infant does not have the ability to reason and therefore does not know that scratching will cause the eczema to worsen. This is why there is special cotton clothing that can be used for infants that covers up their hands so they can’t scratch while they sleep and cause the eczema to worsen and spread.

An infant with eczema should only wear soft all cotton clothing with no synthetic fibers. Parents with infants who have eczema should wash the child’s bedding and clothing only in hypoallergenic detergents and the clothing should be sent through the rinse cycle twice. Also, you should keep the child’s room and play areas free of dust mites because they are a common eczema trigger.

Some parents don’t realize that baby eczema is often triggered by food allergies. One recent study revealed that about 40 percent of babies with eczema suffered from food allergies. Diary is often the culprit. Babies who are breast feeding may also get food allergies from substances in the mother’s milk. It is important for breastfeeding moms to especially careful about their diet.

You should be very careful about using baby lotions on infants with eczema. Some of the lotions have a high water content that that can dry and irriate3 the skin when evaporation takes place. Some of the fragrances and active ingredients in baby lotion can aggravate eczema symptoms.

Creams and ointments containing all natural ingredients should be used instead of baby lotions. Many health food stores have these types of products. Most parents find that natural home remedies are the best way to treat their infant’s eczema symptoms.

Glossary: Lupus :A systemic illness that can affect the skin or other organs of the body. Hypoallergenic: Substances that are less likely to irritate the skin.

Learn more about home remedies to treat eczema on our site. You'll also find other information such as Langerhans cell cause eczema and infants with eczema. is a comprehensive resource to inform individuals suffering from ezcema about symptoms, prevention and treatment options.


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- Linda,